It seems like for the first time since the Jeff Van Gundy days, the Knicks have done something right. Donnie Walsh seems to have handled the coaching situation quite well. The Knicks have made it public that D'Antoni is far and away their first choice, letting him know that they are willing to put other coaching jobs on the line for him.
Although it has been reported ever since D'Antoni was given permission by the Suns to talk to other teams that his top choice is Chicago (understandably so), Ric Bucher of ESPN the Magazine is now saying that D'Antoni's interests have changed. His first choice seems to have shifted to New York. Although the Knicks are now his top pick, D'Antoni says he will wait for a Bulls offer before he commits to anything. The Bulls are expected to offer him a contract by Sunday at the latest, however, they have said that they will not get involved in a bidding war. They still owe Scott Skiles $4 million after firing him (even though he has already signed a deal to coach the Bucks). Bulls' management has made it public that they don't want to add on too much more salary to their coaching staff.
According to Donnie Walsh, the Knicks have not made any formal offer to D'Antoni. However, this may simply be a technicality, a ploy to the media in order to avoid any sort of tampering violations - which happen in sports all the time without the media finding out. He seems to know what he's doing. Or maybe I've just been around Isaiah Thomas for too long.
- D. Spell
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