Here's where the Mets are wrong: They are putting too much pressure on Martinez to recover and come back to the team. Last year, they clearly rushed him, which is why he continually hurt himself. This year, they seemed to have not learned their lesson. Although Pedro was originally supposed to make his comeback in the middle of June at the earliest, the organization is now hopeful he can be back by the end of the month, within the next three weeks or so. There's no way that an older player with a long history of injuries and fragility and be so ahead of pace. The Mets are writing themselves a recipe for another Pedro hamstring injury.
Another possibility for a Martinez injury is to his arm or shoulder - his elbow, his rotator cuff, etc. When he has leg injuries, he tends to baby that side more-so than other pitchers. If he continues to do so, he won't push off his legs as much, where he gets almost all his power for his velocity. He will try to compensate by swinging his arm around harder. It could hurt his control, fundamentals and could injure his arm.
- D. Spell
1 comment:
He is 7-5 since June 2006.
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